15 Questions, 15 Answers
Welcome to Elle S'appelle Sarah! I'm Sarah and I wanted to have my first post be a little bit about me so we can get to know each other! I'm so excited for the journey that blogging will be and I'm glad to have you along for the ride! I'll be posting on Mondays and Fridays so check back for new posts often.
- Are you named after anyone?
- Do you use sarcasm a lot?
- What is your eye color?
- Scary movie or happy endings?
- What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
- Do you have any special talents?
- Do you have any pets?
- Do you have any siblings?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Who was your first best friend?
- How tall are you?
- What was your favorite/worst subject in High School?
- What would you (or have you) name your children?
- How would you describe your fashion sense?
- What phone do you have? (iOS v Android?)
- Not anyone specifically. My parents liked the name Sarah because it's a classic and it's a name from the Bible. My middle name is honestly just a name that they liked, Margaret, but fun fact, both the doctor and the nurse who delivered me were named Margaret!
- All the time! My family is very witty and sassy so I've learned to keep up with the conversation!
- I have brown eyes.
- Happy ending, but I'm always down for a good old fashioned horror flick!
- I went to Miami with my friends for spring break and that's 1,393 miles so that's definitely the furthest I've been!
- Not really! I did Irish Dance from grade school through high school and not many people do that so maybe that counts?
- I have a dog (who I'm obsessed with) named Holly!
- I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers.
- I'm pre-med so I want to be a doctor, but I'm not settled on which specialty I want to do.
- Probably a girl named Hannah in pre-school but all throughout elementary and high school my best friend was a girl named Courtney who lived down the street from me!
- 5'2"
- I loved physics and french! My worst subject was probably history/government.
- I have crazy long lists, but probably something timeless like Caroline, Lucy, or Adam!
- Usually my outfits are pretty classic!
- I have the iPhone 7 currently!
I hope you enjoyed getting to know me, now I want to hear about you. Let me know how you would describe your style in the comments below!
Until next time,